
TXT : We need to talk about Bitcoin

"Inside the cult of crypto", c'est le titre d'un article intéressant sur les crypto monnaies et leur fidèles. Si vous les avez déjà croisé sur Twitter, vous savez qu'ils sont complètement fous. Et si vous vous intéressez à l'extrême droite américaine et plus particulièrement à ses financiers, vous connaissez déjà les proximités entre la BannonSphère, les LARP et les crypto. Extraits :   

"Though its lack of a single leading figure and its amorphous online footprint marks it out from traditional cults, some say the cryptocurrency movement bears a striking resemblance to another progeny of the digital age: the QAnon super-conspiracy. (...) Crypto is essentially an economic cult that taps into very base human instincts of fear, greed and tribalism, combined with economic illiteracy as a means to recruit more greater fools to pile money into what looks like a weird, novel digital variant of a pyramid scheme. (...) Crypto-cultism promises a social and financial revolution that will energise technological innovation, all the while rewarding the worthy with vast wealth."
Lisez l'article complet de Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan (FT capital markets correspondent) & Robin Wigglesworth (FT’s global finance correspondent) sur le site du Financial Times

Illustrations by George Wylesol.
TXT : We need to talk about Bitcoin ~ b-brr