
TXT: Q Anon Analysis Using The BITE Model

BITE = Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional Control. C'est une grille d'analyse autour des dérives sectaires, ici appliquée au cas Q Anon. 

"QAnon is a political cult. It has a coherent black/white, good vs. evil and us vs. them ideology. Trump is the putative savior, a messianic figure able to end and bring to justice an international cabal of satanic child traffickers. Underlying the story is Q, a super patriot digital soldier who clarifies and magnifies the spiritual mission of Trump and the faithful. A so-called “Great Awakening” will lead to  the arrest of all high profile  pedophiles or traffickers (the “enemies” of children). Judgement Day, known as “The Storm” will arrive at any moment, in advance of the 2020 US Presidential election. People are influenced through their smartphones, their computers, and media they consume that all reinforces the notion of an all or nothing, good versus evil ideology. To be a follower of Qdrops is to enter into a version of a live action game, where there is no individual critical thinking. Everyone who criticizes Trump is labeled an enemy, a brainwashed agent of the left, a member of the cult of Soros etc. When you realize that so many prophecies have utterly been wrong and start to question and dare verbalize doubts to other believers, you will be chastised and punished. Family members and friends who ask critical, confrontational questions in factually based conversations are seen as a problem and they are avoided."

Source : https://freedomofmind.com/qanon-and-the-bite-model-control-of-behavior-information-thoughts-and-emotions/

TXT: Q Anon Analysis Using The BITE Model ~ b-brr