
DOCU: Menaces en mer du nord

Ça c'est typiquement le genre de merde que les optimistes ignorent. Ceux qui savent, en général, n'attendent pas l'avenir avec impatience mais avec appréhension.
"En mer du Nord et en Baltique, les Alliés ont volontairement coulé des navires transportant près de trois milliards de tonnes d’armes chimiques et conventionnelles produites lors de la Première et de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les fuselages métalliques qui confinent ces substances chimiques se corrodent. Les scientifiques prédisent une catastrophe sans précédent."
Plus d'info sur le docu dans cet article de l'Obs.

Oui, oui, oui... merci les Ingénieurs...  


Playlist #WEEK42/21 - 'Potpourri'

Cette semaine on va passer du rockabilly à la soul en allant vers du jazz pour terminer plus longuement sur quelque chose d'un peu expérimental avec Dean Blunt et Inga Copeland que j'ai découverts la semaine passée. 

Vous inquiétez pas ça va bien se passer. Dans l'ensemble on reste quand même sur du easy listening, et vous allez découvrir plein de trucs. 

Bonne 42ème semaine de l'année 2021. 

PS : J'ai mis quelques albums complets de Dean Blunt dans mon jukebox

-> the-black-pool.blogspot.com

Tracklist :

1. Ron Haydock - You're Running Wild
2. Bill Haley - Crazy Man Crazy
3. Jack Southern - Darlene
4. The Citations - Hey Mr. Love
5. Badbadnotgood - Love Proceeding
6. Jeremy Steig - Gale
7. Isao Suzuki Quartet - Where Are You Going
8. Dave Brubeck - Take Five
9. Hype Williams (Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland) - Dream City
10. Dean Blunt - Urban Hymns
11. Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - Progression
12. Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - The Narcissit
13. Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - Face Turn
14. Dean Blunt - As Long As Ropes Unravel Fake Rolex Will Travel
15. Dean Blunt - Grade
Playlist #WEEK40/21 - 'Potpourri' ~ b-brr


TXT: Their World Doesn't Exist

Extraits choisis d'un texte plus largement philosophique de Kantbot aka KBULTRA que vous pouvez retrouver en intégralité ici


Acosmism and the Non-Existence of the World

Though we talk all the time a great deal about it, contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as the “World”. (...) In actuality though, in our use of this concept, we draw together as a mental unity an infinity of combinations and possibilities. To be more precise about it we can follow Leibniz in the Theodicy in defining the World as: “the whole succession and the whole agglomeration of all existent things,” which, he goes onto say, “must be reckoned all together as one world or, if you will, as one Universe.” (...)

Though this may seem all far too abstract to bother with, the point is really simple enough as by World we really mean no simple thing at all, but rather a dynamical system of things. A system of not just things, but other systems, and everything which exists in the world really, it must be admitted, can be thought of in connection with other things in an infinite number of possible senses. So the World-System includes out thinking, our divisions of things into categories, scientific, historical, cultural, the systems of those divisions, and so on and so forth forever. (...)

The science of World has a history, and progresses symbiotically, and necessarily with the progress of every other field of science, and even progress in technology, industry, government, infrastructure, and everything else one may wish point to.

(...) As the metaphysicians of the 17th and 18th centuries explicated World, British East Indiamen plowed the seas and enclosed the planet Earth geographically into maps and charts. Likewise in the courts of Kings and Princes across Europe scientific instruments were refined and turned into objects not only of measurement, but of art, and were adorned with elaborate carving and gilding that transformed them into imposing ornaments of power. (...)

Across Europe, as all the above unfolded, so were roads and post systems constructed that increased the regularity and speed of correspondence, which had no less of an effect than transform the economy of Europe into one of letters of credit and finance. Such construction depended though on nothing less than developments in instruments and mathematics, and furthermore, they were projects generally undertaken by gradually growing bureaucratic administrations which centralized power in the nation state and the absolutist government. Such bureaucracies in turn developed an appetite and eventually, an addiction, to tables and books full of data and demanded at every turn more and more quantification.

None of these phenomena are occurring during this time independent of the others, certainly not the development of World, which Metaphysics treats as one of its central subjects of investigation. This World then is nothing short of the conceptual foundation for the scientific, technological, industrial, and methodological progress which has led through centuries to the emergence of global commerce, world trade, instantaneous communication, financial reporting, geopolitical meta-governance through international institutions, etc. Yet in what sense is it actually real? Not in any ordinary and commonplace one. It is, again, the combinatoric compounding of an infinity of infinities represented in terms of a single conceptual construct: World. (...) And the proliferation of disciplines of science and sociology and finance all represent nothing but Modernity’s fevered quest for a complete accounting of the Leibnizian Infinity of Infinities. (...)

The Neo-Liberal world (...) we know today is more deeply and impossibly interconnected than ever. Today we fly easily from one end of the Earth to the other in under 24 hours and are given an account of the mundane details of seemingly every event occurring in every nation around the globe in real-time through relentless reporting. Fluctuations in the market in Shanghai, in a matter of hours, cause an ordinary American to lose his job in Spokane. Why would anyone ever permit such a dramatic cascade of financial information to be deemed normal, or expected, or natural? It’s nothing short of an absurdity that such things are allowed to occur. Yet it does with great frequency, and it is not as a consequence of any pre-existing causality that it does. Only through the instantiation of system dynamics by Neo-Liberal organizational networks that such relationships are manifested. Only by means of advanced techniques of economic measurement employed to financial abstractions that such delicate changes in equilibrium order can be detected. (...)

To talk of a company feels to us a very straightforward thing. There’s a firm, it owns a factory. It manages the factory. It’s owned by a man in a top hat in Victorian era England. Perhaps two centuries ago this was indeed the norm. A firm was a few lawyers or bankers in an office in London. (...) This though has long since stopped being the norm, as since the turn of the 20th century behemoth conglomerations have arisen through more sophisticated legal models of corporate governance which make it possible for a company to own shares of other companies. (...)

Offshore banking is railed against often enough in political discourse in the public sphere, largely for tax evasion, but the nightmare of these practices is far deeper should strike not indignation, but a kind of genuine terror in us. This sentiment I mean sincerely, as the more fully one considers the organizational scheme at work, the deeper one will be ensnared and discover this themselves. Shares of one corporation owned by a businessman or some other fool are handed over to a holding corporation, which owns the shares the businessman wishes to insulate. He then owns only the shares of the corporation which owns the shares. Not only this, but he can, during his financial schemes, use equity in the corporation which owns the shares as an asset, and hand over a portion of the shares of the holding corporation to business partners or whoever he wishes... (...) The depth of the recursion is beyond comprehension. (...)

These networks of ownership, and the disposable corporations designed to link institutions together, is but one aspect a the global system which serves to instantiate the infinity of infinities which comprise the World. Similar organizational principles are at work in the world of foundations, think tanks, charities. 

(...) To say the World does not exist, this is the real truth. To say that it does refers to this organizational hydra I’m describing, as it's only by means of this structure and this approach to organizational design that the infinity of infinities is realized. Not as conceptual totality, but a disfigurement of reality. In the World order of Neo-Liberalism, which is constructed so as to enforce and manifest the fractal dynamics of infinitely compounding possible combinations, we exist only so far as we’re conditioned by these dynamics. We exist only across those dimensions of life and activity so far successfully subjected by the state, banking, insurance, commercial consumption, etc. We are infinitely dimensional beings, separated and disjointed into contortions of humanity. Souls divided and channeled into quantifiable domains of economic, political, ideological activity regulated by the Neo-Liberal world hydra. And this is something I’m sure many people certainly already know. (...)

TXT: Their World Doesn't Exist ~ b-brr


VIDEO: Big Phrama - Arthur Sackler

Excellente vidéo du youtubeur Georg Rockall-Schmidt qui est en train de se spécialiser dans les petites enquêtes sur les familles les plus déjantées du grand-capital. Il est ici question de la famille Sackler (Purdue Pharma) et en particulier d'Arthur et de sa responsabilité dans le tournant pris par l'industrie pharmaceutique à partir des années 50. Une histoire de publicité et de parts de marché plus que médecine.
"In 2012, the use of opioids reached its peak in the United States with 255 million prescriptions written that year- or 81 for every 100 Americans. Much of the blame for the widespread abuse of opioids is often attributed to the Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, who made billions of dollars from the widely prescribed opioid Oxycontin. Which, despite being dangerously addictive, was easy to get hold of because the Sacklers bought off doctors and aggressively marketed the drug almost as a cure-all.

However, the story of how the Sacklers contributed to the opioid crisis begins long before Purdue Pharma started making OxyContin. Here, I'm looking at the story of Arthur Sackler, the man who shaped the future of the entire pharmaceutical advertising industry and set the stage for what was to come many years later.
Much of the information about Arthur Sackler is from the book "Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty" by Patrick Radden Keefe. It's a good read if you're interested in this story."
VIDEO: Big Phrama - Arthur Sackler ~ b-brr


TXT: L’abécédaire de Walter Benjamin (Ballast)

Si vous ne connaissez pas Walter Benjamin, il y a une bonne porte d'entrée à la revue Ballast :

"Sa critique du productivisme, rare dans les rangs communistes de la première moitié du XXe siècle, lui vaut d’être tenu pour un « précurseur » de la décroissance ou de l’écosocialisme1. Le philosophe juif allemand, déchu de sa nationalité par le régime nazi, entendait « organiser le pessimisme2 » : son désir de cheminer, selon ses propres mots, « entre fronde anarchiste et discipline révolutionnaire » fait de lui l’une des figures singulières du marxisme libertaire. "

L’abécédaire de Walter Benjamin :



VIDEO : From Hegel to Marx & Nietzsche


Comment dialoguent les idées de Hegel, Marx et Nietzsche ? Comment ces philosophes se répondent-ils dans le temps et par théories interposées ? Et, peut-être plus important encore, ne font-ils que se contredire ou construisent-ils un édifice théorique plus complexe les seconds s'appuyant nécessairement sur les premiers ? 

Hans-Georg Moeller part ici du concept de nécessité chez Hegel. Il analyse la manière dont Marx renverse Hegel en cherchant à comprendre Marx d'après sa propre période historique et non pas au travers de ses disciples. Puis Il détaille la manière dont Nietzsche transforme Hegel en s'attachant à dessiner Nietzsche comme un penseur pré-postmoderne.


TXT: Facebook, The Largest Autocracy on Earth

"Facebook is a lie-disseminating instrument of civilizational collapse. It is designed for blunt-force emotional reaction, reducing human interaction to the clicking of buttons. The algorithm guides users inexorably toward less nuanced, more extreme material, because that’s what most efficiently elicits a reaction. Users are implicitly trained to seek reactions to what they post, which perpetuates the cycle. Facebook executives have tolerated the promotion on their platform of propaganda, terrorist recruitment, and genocide. They point to democratic virtues like free speech to defend themselves, while dismantling democracy itself."

Article de Adrienne LaFrance dans The Atlantic


TXT : Portrait d'un historien progressiste US

Charles Sellers was best known for his book “The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846,” published in 1991, in which he argued that the rapid expansion of capital and industry during that period did more than just create a new economy; it altered everything, including the way people worshiped, slept and even had sex.

Dr. Sellers detested Jackson’s pro-slavery sentiment and Indian removal policies. But he argued that the primary object of the Jacksonians’ hatred was not Black people or Native Americans but capitalism and its benefactors. (...) “He saw the Jacksonians as the last great expression of a democratic sensibility doomed to be overthrown by a capitalist bourgeois sensibility,” said Sean Wilentz, a historian at Princeton. (...) Such changes, he posited, were largely unwelcome, and the passionate reaction of most Americans consolidated in the rise of Andrew Jackson, who as president took on the coastal elites, most famously in his veto of the Second Bank of the United States in 1832. (...)

The book is nevertheless evocative of the 1960s counterculture — both in its depiction of a precapitalist America awash in communal living and free love and in its rejection of the work of postwar academic historians who, Dr. Sellers said, tried to hide the reality of class conflict in early America behind a veil of democratic consensus. (...)

“I took alarm when historians armed the United States for Cold War by purging class from consciousness,” he said at the 1994 conference in London. “Muffling exploitative capital in appealing democratic garb, their mythology of consensual democratic capitalism purged egalitarian meaning from democracy.”

Source : Portrait de Charles Sellers écrit par Clay Risen pour le New York Times


Photo : Eric Etheridge


DOCU: The Spider Web - Le Second Empire Britannique

"La Toile d’Araignée: Le Second Empire Britannique, est un film documentaire de Michael Oswald qui montre comment la Grande-Bretagne est passé de son statut de puissance coloniale à celui de puissance financière mondiale. 

Au lendemain du démembrement de cet empire colonial, les intérêts financiers de la City de Londres ont créé un réseau de juridictions offshore secrètes qui ont fait main basse sur les richesses mondiales et les ont dissimulées derrière une toile aux ramifications complexes reliant des iles offshore. Aujourd’hui, près de la moitié de la richesse mondiale offshore serait ainsi cachée dans des juridictions secrètes britanniques. La Grande-Bretagne et ses juridictions sont ainsi devenues l’intermédiaire principal et incontournable dans le monde de la finance internationale. Comment en est-on arrivé à cette situation, et quel est son impact réel sur le monde actuel? La Toile d’Araignée mène l’enquête afin d’apporter des réponses à ces questions."


BONUS : Peter Cain - Unused Interview from The Spider’s Web Documentary
DOCU: The Spider Web - Le Second Empire Britannique ~ b-brr


VIDEO: Le Fascisme (via Oui D'accord)

Duo de vidéos sur le fascisme. C'est un peu ce que j'avais déjà posté ici en anglais avec Matt Christman mais en un peu plus fouillé, sourcé, et surtout mis en images, en témoignages et en citations. 

Elles sont vraiment super bien foutues, je ne peux que trop vous recommander de vous abonner à la chaine Oui d'accord  


Au bout du capitalisme il y a Hitler."
Aimé Césaire

Part I - Le Dernier Rempart du Capitalisme

Le 6 janvier 2021, les partisans de Trump attaquent le Capitole ! Le coup de force échoue mais... pourquoi ? Évidemment, et comme toujours, ça a à voir avec le capitalisme...

Part II - les Origines Coloniales du Fascisme

Quel est le lien entre colonisation et fascisme ? Comme toujours... c'est le capitalisme ! Mais pour bien comprendre leur relation, il faut qu'on discute avec Aimé Césaire.

VIDEO: Le Fascisme (via Oui D'accord) ~ b-brr


Playlist #WEEK40/21 - 'Doomer Jazz'

Proposition musicale de la semaine : vivez la noirceur de nos vies à plein en vous prenant pour un détective privé dans le Los Angeles des années 50.  C'est un peu flemme de ma part parce que j'ai récupéré trois playlist déjà existantes (assemblé par Brésilien se faisant appeler Vlaspatta Karamazov) que j'ai mises bout à bout... Mais vous ne serez pas déçu, il y a plus de trois heures de son ;)

Tracklist :

Part 1 - Late Night Driving Doomer Jazz

0:00 | Scott W. Hallgreen - Film Noir
3:03 | Chet Baker - Don't Explain
6:31 | Bernard Herrmann - Night Piece for Saxophone & Orchestra (Taxi Driver Theme)
14:33 | Bohren & der Club of Gore - Prowler
19:38 | Manet - Vendredi Noir
26:05 | Miles Davis - Générique
28:52 | David Shire - Marlowe's Theme
31:20 | Bill Evans - Nardis
39:55 | Gil Evans - Where Flamingos Fly
45:12 | The Seatbelts - Road to the West 
48:07 | Massimo Catalano - Foggy Night
50:46 | Andrew Hale - L.A. Noire Main Theme 
53:53 | Jerry Goldsmith - Chinatown
1:02:14 | Miles Davis - Nuit Sur Les Champs-Élysées (Take 2)
1:07:37 | Bohren & der Club of Gore - Black City Skyline

Part II - Jazzy Doomer Music 01

0:00 | Frank Sinatra, Rain In My Heart
3:21 | Chet Baker, Everything Happens to Me
7:00 | Gerry Mulligan, Night Lights
11:54 | Bill Evans, B Minor Waltz (For Ellaine)
15:04 | Nat King Cole, The Lonely One
18:50 | Billie Holiday, Gloomy Sunday
22:00 | John Coltrane & Duke Ellington, My Little Brown Book
27:18 | Frank Sinatra, A Man Alone
31:03 | Chet Baker, But Not For Me
34:06 | Bill Evans, My Foolish Heart
38:26 | Miles Davis, Round Midnight
44:22 | Frank Sinatra (Perry Como?), Killing Me Softly
48:50 | Chet Baker, The Night We Called It a Day
51:11 | Bill Evans, Blue In Green
55:39 | Bill Evans, Suicide Is Painless (Theme From M*A*S*H)
1:01:33 | Louis Armstrong, Black And Blue
1:06:25 | Bill Evans, Time Remembered
1:12:27 | Chet Baker, Almost Blue

Part III - Jazzy Doomer Music 02

00:00 | Chet Baker - Sad Walk
04:45 | Frank Sinatra - If You Go Away
08:19 | Billie Holiday - Solitude
11:45 | Jerry Goldsmith - Chinatown
20:07 | Miles Davis & John Coltrane - It Never Entered My Mind
25:30 | Todd Gordon - Alone Again Naturally
31:23 | Django Reinhardt - Tears
34:04 | Bill Evans - Like Someone In Love
40:28 | Duke Ellington - Bourbon Street Jingling Jollies
44:34 | The Ink Spots - It's All Over But The Crying
47:23 | Frank Sinatra - The World We Knew (Over and Over)
50:11 | Bill Evans - We Will Meet Again
54:17 | Chet Baker - You Don't Know What Love Is
59:04 | Frank Sinatra - I'm a Fool to Want You
1:03:53 | Louis Armstrong - Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen
1:08:47 | Barbra Streisand - You Must Believe In Spring

Playlist #40/21 - 'Doomer Jazz' ~ b-brr


TXT : Peter Thiels's Origin Story


"It started on a sweltering summer day in 1998. Thiel was in a classroom at Stanford’s engineering center, attempting to chat up an awkward but brilliant coder. Max Levchin was 23, and he’d come to a lecture Thiel was delivering on currencies primarily for the air conditioning. The two young men got to talking, and within a day, Thiel, who had been managing a pool of capital he’d raised from friends and family as a hedge fund, told Levchin that he wanted to invest in his embryonic start-up. It made software for Palm Pilots. At the end of that year, they began experimenting with a way for owners of the devices to transmit IOUs to one another. They called the service PayPal, and Thiel, who took over the venture before the year was out, quickly saw its subversive possibilities.

Once you got money via PayPal, you could transfer your balance to a bank. Or you could keep the funds inside PayPal and use them to pay other people. This, Thiel realized, made the service a kind of untrackable digital currency. It was the equivalent of a Swiss bank account in one’s pocket, he believed, boasting to a Wired reporter that it could lead to “the erosion of the nation-state.” Thiel staffed the company with former Stanford Review editors and imposed his libertarian ideas in ways large and small. PayPal employees were free to show up late to meetings as long as they paid $1 for every minute they were tardy, and Ayn Rand was something like required reading. (...)

Thiel despises the counterculture (he dates the precise beginning of American decline to Woodstock) and is contemptuous of the notion of creativity for its own sake. For Thiel, the purpose of founding a company is to control your own destiny. “A startup is the largest endeavor over which you can have definite mastery,” he wrote. A new generation of entrepreneurs, coming of age in the wake of the financial crisis, embraced his ideas. Thiel told them to flout norms and seek lucre, not impact. “Only one thing can allow a business to transcend the daily brute struggle for survival,” he wrote. “Monopoly profits.” (...)

His ideology dominates Silicon Valley." 

La suite de ce portrait écrit par Max Chafkin ici : https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/peter-thiel-silicon-valley-contrarian-max-chafkin.html

TXT : Peter Thiels's Origin Story ~ b-brr


TXT : Revenge bedtime procrastination

Revenge bedtime procrastinating. That term originated in China, where it’s known as 報復性熬夜, and can alternately be translated as “retaliatory staying up late.” The BBC’s Lu-Hai Liang wrote an excellent article tracing how the term spread in China, partially sparked by a viral tweet by journalist Daphne K. Lee.

As Liang explains: "In China, a national survey in 2018 showed that 60% of people born after 1990 were not getting enough sleep, and that those living in the biggest cities suffered the most. The tech companies who created 996 culture tend to be based in big cities, and their work practices have influenced other sectors. A recent report by state broadcaster CCTV and the National Bureau of Statistics said the average Chinese employee only had 2.42 hours per day when they were not at work or asleep, down by 25 minutes from the previous year."

The “996 Culture” invoked above — when employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week — is endemic in many of China’s large cities. But the phenomenon of revenge bedtime procrastination is not, of course, limited to China. It’s a symptom of workism and the burnout that accompanies it, which means you can find it anywhere where that approach to a career has been normalized. It’s illogical and annoying and only makes things worse. But it’s also what our souls do when we refuse to nourish them. They sabotage our most perfect intentions for sleep, because sleep is not the same as leisure. Don’t get me wrong; sleep is great. It can be deeply restorative. But it also requires us to be, well, unconscious.

Continue reading here : https://annehelen.substack.com/p/revenge-bedtime-procrastination

TXT : Revenge bedtime procrastination ~ b-brr


TXT: Q Anon Analysis Using The BITE Model

BITE = Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional Control. C'est une grille d'analyse autour des dérives sectaires, ici appliquée au cas Q Anon. 

"QAnon is a political cult. It has a coherent black/white, good vs. evil and us vs. them ideology. Trump is the putative savior, a messianic figure able to end and bring to justice an international cabal of satanic child traffickers. Underlying the story is Q, a super patriot digital soldier who clarifies and magnifies the spiritual mission of Trump and the faithful. A so-called “Great Awakening” will lead to  the arrest of all high profile  pedophiles or traffickers (the “enemies” of children). Judgement Day, known as “The Storm” will arrive at any moment, in advance of the 2020 US Presidential election. People are influenced through their smartphones, their computers, and media they consume that all reinforces the notion of an all or nothing, good versus evil ideology. To be a follower of Qdrops is to enter into a version of a live action game, where there is no individual critical thinking. Everyone who criticizes Trump is labeled an enemy, a brainwashed agent of the left, a member of the cult of Soros etc. When you realize that so many prophecies have utterly been wrong and start to question and dare verbalize doubts to other believers, you will be chastised and punished. Family members and friends who ask critical, confrontational questions in factually based conversations are seen as a problem and they are avoided."

Source : https://freedomofmind.com/qanon-and-the-bite-model-control-of-behavior-information-thoughts-and-emotions/

TXT: Q Anon Analysis Using The BITE Model ~ b-brr


DOCU: En France, des manifestants présumés coupables

"En France, ces dernières années, la répression des manifestations est d’une ampleur inédite. De nombreux manifestants pacifiques se retrouvent dans le viseur des autorités.   

En septembre 2020, nous lancions l’alerte sur la stratégie dite de «judiciarisation du maintien de l’ordre». Une stratégie plus qu’inquiétante. Un an après, nous sommes partis à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui se sont retrouvées dans une spirale judiciaire infernale, pour avoir manifesté. Ils nous racontent."  

Documentaire réalisé par l'ONG Amnesty.

Réalisation : Arnaud Constant & Nicolas Thomas 

Image : Thomas Olland & Tristan Piechocki 

Mixage : Loïc Jouan 

Etalonnage : Barthélemy Despax