

ARCHIVE : On repart dans les années 90, en Angleterre, chez Mo Wax, pour un trip (hop) aussi réconfortant que nostalgique, avec Simon Richmond AKA Palm Skin Production. Il y a une bonne série d'articles sur les artistes qui ont fait les dix années d'existence de ce label mythique ici et un article sur Palm Skin . Vous êtes en veine, il continue a sortir des sons sur bandcamp et soundcloud




VIDEO: Poutine, un portrait

Très bon portrait en trois parties de Vladimir Poutine réalisé par le youtubeur Georg Rockall-Schmidt. De son arrivée au pouvoir, depuis ses origines et dans le contexte particulier de l'époque. De sa consolidation du pouvoir et de sa transformation des structures de l'état et du régime. Des Guerres, de terrorisme et de la corruption. De sa politique extérieure, de l'OTAN, des empires et de la démesure. Et forcément, de la folie du pouvoir d'un vieille homme qui s'ennuie. 

Le portrait est à charge bien entendu, mais l'analyse et les traits tirés ne sont pas systématiquement une resucée des points récités dans les médias de masse. J'aime beaucoup Georg Rockall-Schmidt, j'avais déjà partagé le premier épisode de sa série sur la famille Sackler (Purdue Phrama). 




VIDEO: Poutine, un portrait ~ b-brr


DOCU: Mark Lombardi - Artiste Conspirateur


"Une œuvre d’art source d’enquête policière? Peu après les attentats du World Trade Center, le Whitney Museum of American Art reçoit l’appel d’un agent du FBI. Elle enquête sur les implications économiques de Ben Laden et demande à voir un tableau de Mark Lombardi

L’artiste new-yorkais s’est fait connaître grâce à ses sociogrammes, diagrammes en réseau à la fois complexes et étonnamment limpides, détaillant les structures labyrinthiques du pouvoir politico-économique. Il associe sur toile, dans un système de fléchage élaboré, des noms issus des milieux économique et politique ainsi que des groupes internationaux qui forment tout un réseau: une carte des grands scandales économiques, des intrigues politiques et des crimes. Flux d’argent, abus de pouvoir, liens troubles entre personnalités américaines (notamment George W. Bush) et réseaux criminels étrangers… : d’inextricables masses d’informations se démêlent sous les yeux du spectateur, construisant une cartographie, pour le moins dérangeante, de la mondialisation.

La mort de M. Lombardi est aussi mystérieuse que son héritage. En 2000, l’artiste est retrouvé mort dans son appartement, la thèse du suicide est officiellement avancée. Quel rôle son œuvre clé BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) a-t-elle joué dans les enquêtes du FBI autour des attentats du 11-Septembre ?"

Synopsis mixé d'ici et .


Réalisatrice : Mareike Wegener

Durée : 79 Min 

Production : unafilm GmbH, Arte, ZDF

Pays : Allemagne

Sortie : 2011


FILM: The Boys From Brazil (1978)


"Ezra Lieberman, célèbre chasseur de nazis, reçoit un étrange appel en provenance du Paraguay. Son correspondant l'informe qu'un complot se prépare. A sa tête, le sinistre docteur Mengele, terrifiant médecin nazi recherché par toutes les polices. Son objectif : assassiner 94 hommes à travers le monde. Quel est le but de ce complot ? Quel point commun réunit les 94 victimes ? Lieberman se lance dans une enquête, dont la solution est au-delà de ses pires cauchemars."


Réalisation : Franklin J. Schaffner
Scénario : Ira Levin (roman), Heywood Gould (adaptation)
Acteurs principaux : Gregory Peck, Laurence Olivier, James Mason
Durée : 123 min.
Production : ITC Entertainment, Producer Circle
Pays : Royaume-Uni
Sortie : 1978
Version Originale sous-titrée anglais
En VF ici


        7/10 IMDb             69 % Rotten Tomatoes            3,3/5 MovieMeter

FILM: The Boys From Brazil (1978) ~ b-brr


VIDEO / TXT: Metamodernism


Voici une vidéo / interview des philosophes Robin van den Akker et Timotheus Vermeulen dans laquelle ils décrivent leur concept de metamodernisme, le déclin de l'ironie et les nouvelles formes de sincérité émergeant dans la culture du 19ème siècle. 

Il y a aussi un court article qui reprend l'essentieici. Un article beaucoup plus complet et récent . Sans oublier le metamodernisme dans les films de science fiction. 

1. We recognise oscillation to be the natural order of the world.

2. We must liberate ourselves from the inertia resulting from a century of modernist ideological naivety and the cynical insincerity of its antonymous bastard child.

3. Movement shall henceforth be enabled by way of an oscillation between positions, with diametrically opposed ideas operating like the pulsating polarities of a colossal electric machine, propelling the world into action.

4. We acknowledge the limitations inherent to all movement and experience, and the futility of any attempt to transcend the boundaries set forth therein. The essential incompleteness of a system should necessitate an adherence, not in order to achieve a given end or be slaves to its course, but rather perchance to glimpse by proxy some hidden exteriority. Existence is enriched if we set about our task as if those limits might be exceeded, for such action unfolds the world.

5. All things are caught within the irrevocable slide towards a state of maximum entropic dissemblance. Artistic creation is contingent upon the origination or revelation of difference therein. Affect at its zenith is the unmediated experience of difference in itself. It must be art’s role to explore the promise of its own paradoxical ambition by coaxing excess towards presence.

6. The present is a symptom of the twin birth of immediacy and obsolescence. Today, we are nostalgists as much as we are futurists. The new technology enables the simultaneous experience and enactment of events from a multiplicity of positions. Far from signalling its demise, these emergent networks facilitate the democratisation of history, illuminating the forking paths along which its grand narratives may navigate the here and now.

7. Just as science strives for poetic elegance, artists might assume a quest for truth. All information is grounds for knowledge, whether empirical or aphoristic, no matter its truth-value. We should embrace the scientific-poetic synthesis and informed naivety of a magical realism. Error breeds sense.

8. We propose a pragmatic romanticism unhindered by ideological anchorage. Thus, metamodernism shall be defined as the mercurial condition between and beyond irony and sincerity, naivety and knowingness, relativism and truth, optimism and doubt, in pursuit of a plurality of disparate and elusive horizons. We must go forth and oscillate!



J'ai dit il y a quelques mois, bourré, que c'est la musique de mon sang. Ça ne veut rien dire. Une partie des origines de cette musique, son underground des années 90, c'est mes Beatles. Je suis pas fan des Beatles mais j'imagine ce que leur musique représente pour des vieux nostalgiques. Un son réconfortant. 




TXT: The left & the lack of project

@skepoet / Derick Varn, 4 décembre 2021 -

"The reason why battles about political correctness, call-out culture, and cancel culture (to name its many incarnations) seem key is that they are a sign of a left without a movement or a program. Furthermore, it is not just political will why such a program does not exist. Without this, distinctions emerge, and mutual constitutive feedback loops emerge (...). Without a program that is in dialogue with and emergent from the social base of Marxian socialism—the proletariat and those who are proletarianized—the focus on consumption and self-identity is what follows. 

I left North Star and Zero for this reason: I saw neither as trying to understand Marxists’ historical contribution to liberal problems (which were due to Marxist political groupings, research programs, and political programs stagnating in the middle of the twentieth century). The reasons for that are beyond the scope of this one letter and has been my own research focus for at least five years. Moral panics and five-minute hates are inevitable in this environment as one’s politics cannot be manifested as part of a larger movement but only as an assertion of one’s priorities. I have seen this in the debates about the Democratic Socialists of America trying to form anything like a coherent program to which it could bind members, seeing the continual re-emergence of sectarian consciousness, even within the new Democratic Socialist left, that has become increasingly important to its internal functioning. The fact so much hay has been made about the true political character of small business transactions by people who identify as socialists illustrates that people are either profoundly confused or that the political mission seems profoundly stalled. To engage in the debates about “wokeness” or “anti-wokeness” is to grant the dominant narrative legitimacy—if you want to undermine this impasse, one must expose historical and material origins, not merely by asserting its intellectual genealogy, but looking at what the causal matrix is behind the genealogy. 

(...) I have come to point to the deeper pathologies to which we could not escape and hopefully bury them. If you found much of this letter boring, this is a good sign. What was important is the inability of any involved to look at what led to the kinds of dysfunctions of the left today, not merely to condemn them as if it were just political bad faith or a capitalist conspiracy that leads to these breakdowns. (...)

I miss Mark Fisher and several of the other people I have mentioned in this letter—whatever my disagreements with them. You may have noticed how much I have used the adjective “late.” Many of the people involved did not live to see this impasse and were involved for decades, and their deaths come from varied reasons: age, cancer, strokes, depression. Many involved in these debates have died and died young. Let us honor them, not by hagiography, but by doing what they tried to do and could not finish:  understanding why we got here so one day we can see a way out beyond merely pointing to the mote in someone else’s eye. (...) While political betrayal and ideological bad faith are real things and should be monitored against, there are times where one should hate the game and not the players. Obsessions with political errors as a proof of a capitalist conspiracy to suppress some supposedly socialist truths are not just a simpleton’s understanding history, but they cut against the Marxist tradition of analysis to which many of us claim a commitment."

Source : https://cosmonautmag.com/2021/12/letter-letting-the-dead-be-buried

TXT: The left & the lack of project ~ b-brr